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BWS native app

This initiative aims to enhance visibility for order status updates and carrier delivery updates for BWS. Once the squad captures these updates, we will collaborate with the UI/UX team to create more customer-friendly status labels. These labels will then be displayed in the BWS app for our customers.

Initiative background
What we’re changing
  • Differentiating unhappy path scenarios in order tracking

  • Including links to manage an order where applicable

  • Highlighting delivery issues and the action required

  • Uplifting the UI of order tracking, aligning to the home page component redesign and the BWS bot

  • Providing more useful information by adding detail to the most recent status update

  • Increasing the accuracy of the delivery ETA where delays occur

Why we’re changing it
  • To increase visibility of status updates when things go wrong

  • Be transparent with our customers about issues that occur and how we plan on resolving them

  • Include pathway to resolve issues via web CHUB ticket form (interim solution)

  • Increase the hierarchy and accuracy of the delivery ETA

  • Align in app communications to external sms channel communications (delays)

  • Uplift UI to align to new brand and design system guidelines- increasing consistency across digital channels

My purchases
Order details
order details.png


we conducted 3 rounds of testing at low, mid and high fidelity. this allowed us to validate or invalidate assumptions.


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Final design 

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Status tags
Dev notes

Bed Threads - Product page

Jimmy Brings

Hello Molly accounts & returns 

RØDE Microphones

Bed Threads - Build Your Own Bundle

Bed Threads design system

BWS native app

Lessy onboarding and dashbaord 

Bed Threads - Home page



Lessy design system 

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